A healthy gourmet upgrade perfect for sneaking into treat toys, dressing up dinner, or rewarding the goodest boys and girls on the trail. Simple nutrition packed into a mess-free pouch for happy treating.
Dogs love peanut butter, and we love treating it with a healthy gourmet upgrade - peanut butter made from freshly ground peanuts and a kiss of sweetness from real bananas. No sugar, no Xylitol, no preservatives, no artificial sweeteners, (or artificial anything) - just solid, simple nutrition for happy treating.
High in electrolyte-balancing, muscle-building potassium, and packed with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C for immunity.
It's a treat, a toy, and a brain workout. West Paw treat toys aren't just sheer doggy delight when paired with a creamy treat–they're a source of rewarding mental stimulation for pups. Keep canine brains busy by putting Creamy Treat in Toppl®, Tux®, and Qwizl®.