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A very common question we receive is: "What will my shipping cost?" We are happy to share our flat rate shipping costs for retailers! This way, you will know exactly what the ground shipping will cost, before you place your order.
West Paw Design does not make money on shipping. While we can't magically beam product to your door (like they did on Star Trek), we continually strive to keep shipping costs as low as we can by negotiating costs and packing products as efficiently as possible (which takes us a little more time, but saves you a little more money)!
So, go ahead and order those large dog beds... lots of them - our rates are super competitive! And our shipping time is FAST. SHIP-SHIP-AWAY!!
Shipping price are calculated based on MSRP prices on cart total before the wholesale discount is applied.
Wholesale Order Total | Contiguous US | Non-Contiguous US |
$100 to $199 | $15 | $21 |
$200 to $399 | $29 | $36 |
$400 to $749 | $52 | $59 |
$750 to $999 | $69 | $84 |
$1000 to $1499 | $89 | $115 |
$1500 to $1999 | $119 | $145 |
$2000 to $2499 | $139 | $175 |
$2500 to $2999 | $159 | $199 |
$3000 to $3499 | $189 | $229 |
$3500 to $3999 | $209 | $259 |
$4000 to $4499 | $229 | $289 |
$4500 to $4999 | $249 | $319 |
$5000 to $5499 | $279 | $349 |
$5500 to $5999 | $299 | $369 |
$6000 to $6499 | $319 | $399 |
$6500 to $6999 | $339 | $429 |
$7000+ | Please call customer service for a quote. |